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We have a range of accommodation facilities for overnight guests. The majority of our guests choose to stay in our cabins at the resort. We also have three cabins that are perfect for those wishing to test their fishing luck in the Gimån river. These cabins are situated along the Gimåns enticing rapids and riffles. For those travelling in a group or those looking for a unique experience we recommend to stay in the exclusive hunting cabin. 

Cabins at Albackens Hunting & Fishing lodge

The exclusive hunting cabin

The hunting cabin lies in the middle of the forest is and our prime and premium quality cabin. The cabin has three bedrooms with two beds per room. The cabin is spacious and equipped with an open fireplace in the living room and enough room for two-four people in each of the sleeping lofts.

In total the cabin caters for 14 persons and is perfect for groups or hunting teams. The cabin is fully self-catered with a well-equipped kitchen, running water, television and a sauna.



Cabin hire: 3 000 kr / per day


Jaktstugan - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Jaktstugan - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Jaktstugan - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Jaktstugan - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Jaktstugan - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Jaktstugan - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Jaktstugan - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Jaktstugan - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Jaktstugan - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Jaktstugan - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Jaktstugan - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Cabins at the resort

The accommodation facilities are at the resort, by Alan lake and the protected Gimån river. Accommodation facilities consist of nine, four- and six-bed cabins. The cabins have two or three double rooms, all equipped with bathrooms. The cabins have drying cupboards, television and kitchenette. The six bed cabins have their own sauna.


Overnight guests have access to communal barbeque facilities that has space for 30 persons. The accommodation is surrounded by picturesque nature, with an array of pathways, a football field and ski tracks in the winter. We also have a sport hall that we rent out for training camps.


Cabin hire:

Six-bed cabins:       1 500 kr / per day, 8 200 kr / per week

Four-bed cabins:     1 000 kr / per day, 5 500 kr / per week

Stugbyn - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Stugbyn - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Stugbyn - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Stugbyn - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Stugbyn - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Stugbyn - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Stugbyn - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Stugbyn - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Stugbyn - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Stugbyn - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Stugbyn - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Stugbyn - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Stugbyn - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Stugbyn - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Stugbyn - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Stugbyn - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Grillhydda - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Grillhydda - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Alans sandstrand - Albacken Jakt
Båtuthyrning - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Alan - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
Reception - Albacken Jakt & Fiske
The cabin by the Båtshälls-rapids

The cabin lies a few metres from the Båthälls-rapid in Gimån river. The cabin has four beds, electric warming, a fireplace, stove and oven and a fridge. It is possible to drive directly to the cabin by car. The cabin has an outhouse but no running water.



Cabin hire: 600 kr / per day

Båthällsstugan - Gimån - Albacken
Båthällsstugan - Gimån - Albacken
Båthällsstugan - Gimån - Albacken
Båthällsstugan - Gimån - Albacken
Båthällsstugan - Gimån - Albacken
Båthällsstugan - Gimån - Albacken
Båthällsstugan - Gimån - Albacken
Båthällströmmen - Gimån - Albacken
Båthällströmmen - Gimån - Albacken
Båthällströmmen - Gimån - Albacken
Båthällströmmen - Gimån - Albacken
Båthällströmmen - Gimån - Albacken
Hubil shutterstock_1245492958.jpg

We offer space for your caravanette for 300 kr / per day. 

Electricity is included in the price.

Skravelforsstugan - Gimån - Albacken
Skravelforsen - Gimån - Albacken
Skravelforsen - Gimån - Albacken
Skravelforsen - Gimån - Albacken
Skravelforsstugan - Gimån - Albacken
Skravelforsstugan - Gimån - Albacken
Skravelforsstugan - Gimån - Albacken
The cabin by the Skravel-rapids

The cabin by Skravel-rapids in Gimån is serenely located 20 meters from rapids and 600 metres from the main road. The cabin has four beds, a kitchen with gas plate stove and a furnace. The cabin is also equipped with running water and an outhouse. A boat is available and is included in the cost of the cabin. 


Cabin hire: 500 kr / per day

Bedding and cabin cleaning

Bedding is available for accommodation at 250 kr per bed.


At departure, it is expected that the cabin is left in the same condition as upon arrival. If the cabin is not left in an acceptable condition, a service fee of 1000 kr with be charged.

Albackens jakt- & fiskecamp, Svartnäset 145, 840 67 SÖRBYGDEN


Bokning:                                +46 (0)70-28 25 479  (Marie)

                                             +46 (0)70-28 25 489 (Eva)

Jakt- & fiskefrågor:                 +46 (0)70-223 66 76  (Sigvard)

Bankgiro:                               5088-3370        

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