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Hunting at Albackens Hunting & Fishing lodge

We offer hunting packages for moose, various small game and bird shooting for Western Capercaillie and Black Grouse. Hunting takes place in three locations with an area of 1 700 hectares each.

We also hunt with dogs, feel free to bring your own hunting dog. Bird hunting takes place in remote terrain so we recommend a pair of wide hunting skis. A suggestion is to combine bird shooting with a rabbit hunt. For hunting groups, we advise staying over in our exclusive hunting cabin. 

Map of Måsjöns hunting area


Map of Småsjöarnas hunting area


Map of Alabergets hunting area

Albackens jakt- & fiskecamp, Svartnäset 145, 840 67 SÖRBYGDEN


Bokning:                                +46 (0)70-28 25 479  (Marie)

                                             +46 (0)70-28 25 489 (Eva)

Jakt- & fiskefrågor:                 +46 (0)70-223 66 76  (Sigvard)

Bankgiro:                               5088-3370        

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