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Welcome to Albacken Hunting & Fishing Camp

In Sweden’s picturesque wilderness, a few kilometres from Bräcke – in the middle of Jämtland – lies Albackans Hunting & Fishing Camp. We offer fishing in over a dozen rapids on Gimån River, with fishing for Pike, Perch and Trout in the lodge’s own lakes and tarns. We have thirty different fishing facilities, with a few reserved for exclusive access of the lodge’s guests. For the hunters, we offer hunting packages for moose, small game and bird shooting for Western Caipercaillie and Black Grouse.  Hunting takes place in three different locations totalling an area of 1 700 hectares. Most of our cottages are situated on the waters and hunting areas. 



Fish for Large Brown Trout and Grayling in the Gimån River, or any of the lodge’s thirty waters. A few of the lakes are reserved for exclusive access for the lodge’s guests. Albackans Hunting & Fishing Lodge offers fishing all year round. 



Hunting is available for moose, small game and bird shooting for Western Caipercaillie and Black Grouse. Hunting takes place in three different locations totalling an area of 1 700 hectares.

We also hunt with dogs, or with your

own dog if you so wish. 



Overnight accommodation is offered in cosy timber cabins in the resort area or

in fishing cabins built along the Gimån River. For the discerning hunter, the spacious hunting cabin makes for the perfect base for your hunts.

Albackens jakt- & fiskecamp, Svartnäset 145, 840 67 SÖRBYGDEN


Bokning:                                +46 (0)70-28 25 479  (Marie)

                                             +46 (0)70-28 25 489 (Eva)

Jakt- & fiskefrågor:                 +46 (0)70-223 66 76  (Sigvard)

Bankgiro:                               5088-3370        

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